RABBIT 29 – Lineages

RABBIT 29 – Lineages


When Matthew Hall and Chi Tran—our guest poetry editors for this issue—proposed the theme of ‘Lineages’, I started to think of poetry inheritance, a poetry family tree, what my own might look like.

I thought of the poets I studied (or was made to study) in high school and who made me reluctant to continue reading poetry. I thought of the poets introduced to me by mentors who understood my tastes, the poetry that opened up possibilities for my reading and writing future. I thought of the poets whose work stretched my own lines, whom I have followed so closely that I feel their words and rhythms in my blood and bones. It is rare that we come across that last category. For me, there are two poets whose work I hold close—one American, one Australian. For those of you who have been reading my editorials for the last few years, you can probably guess who they are. Not only responsible for fuelling my curiosity and experimentation, these poets have also had the effect of giving me permission to find my own voice in and through poetry. Whether they like it or not, I consider them to be kin.

One of the great pleasures for me as managing editor of Rabbit has been to read the responses of contributors to the ‘Rabbit question’ for each issue, which is linked to the issue theme. When this requirement was set up from issue one, it was intended to encourage all those who submitted poems to demonstrate their appreciation for poetry more broadly, ahead of the desire to send through poems quickly in the hope of getting published. But the responses from those who are selected for publication, printed in the back pages of each Rabbit, are also a way to share poetry knowledge to readers, to suggest poets or poems that may not have been known to some readers, to share tastes and reading lists. I like to see that some contributors are able to sum up their thoughts in very few words—sometimes just one!—while others commit to a generous rumination.

The question for this ‘Lineages’ issue is: What is something you have learned from a poem/poet that you’d like to pass on to others? From the thoughtful answers printed at the back, I can see that many poets have located their own poetry kin, as I have done. More than this, it seems that they have drawn strength from that kin not only to guide their own writing practice but also to guide the living of a good life. How marvellous!

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Rabbit 29 Editorial — Jessica L. Wilkinson

Artist Statement— Joi Murugavell

Poetry Editorial — Chi Tran and Matthew Hall

Venie Holmgren Prize 2019
Judges’ Report: Kevin Brophy and Claire G. Coleman
God Instructs His Angels to Burn the Notre Dame — Hailey Bonner
A heart like this — Kristen Lang
The poem after forests — A. Frances Johnson
greengage plums in preston — Kiara Lindsay

Rabbit Interviews
Amelia Dale interviews Corey Wakeling

Rabbit Essay
Chengdu by Air: A Meditation (with poems) — David Cope

Rabbit Reviews
Irene Bell reviews Ali Whitelock’s and my heart crumples like a coke can
Loni Jeffs reviews Bella Li’s Lost Lake

Ask a Rabbit: What is something you’ve learned from a poem/poet that you’d like to pass onto others?

Rabbit Homework with Alvin Pang

Anatomy of Fog — Zhi Cham
i’ll take the sound of my-mum-cleaning-the-house-to-electronic-remixes-of-celine-dion’s-i- drove-all-night to my grave — Panda Wong
That year, my mother taught me what hands are for — Quang Mai
Body double — Amelia Zhou
captain, Ashley — Joshua Francis
Crying — Eileen Chong
Purging words (eavesdrop, exhume) — Mykaela Saunders
Whitianga — Olivia Macassey
Genesis (Haiku) — Nicole Schild
empty bed — Shu-Ling Chua
p(l)acing place/pronaći mjesto — Anita Solak
Out of Hospital — Paul Magee
A mini news — Ouyang Yu
Palingenetics — Ian Gibbins
Eyes Upon Life — Lesley Porter
Vestigial — Jane Gibian
Proclaim!— Janet Jiahui Wu
Ode to Green — Shari Kocher
Yes — Em König
Visiting Spinsters — Kathryn Hummel
cézanne spunky (c.1885) — Gareth Morgan
Frank O’Hara Wrote a Poem About Astrology and He Died 53 Years Ago — Sholto Buck
Returns— Mark Roberts
What house across the street? — Rozanna Lilley
A true account of trying to write ‘A True Account of Axl Rose Talking to Jennifer Maiden in Fortitude Valley (written under many odious constraints)’ — Liam Ferney
At Newgrange — Kelly Norah Drukker
typhoon — Grace Yee

From this issue

+ 'That year, my mother taught me what hands are for' by Quong Mai
+ 'cézanne spunky (c.1885)' by Gareth Morgan
+ Amelia Dale interviews Corey Wakeling
+ Rabbit Homework with Alvin Pang

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