Rabbit Poets Series - Rabbit Manuscripts

We are delighted to announce that we are reading manuscripts for the next suite of books in the Rabbit Poets Series. Submissions are open to Australian-based poets at all stages - emerging, mid-career or established. While we are keen to continue to see new poets into print, we are also keen to focus specifically on long form works of nonfiction poetry - e.g. documentary poetry, poetic life writing, poetic history, poetic biography, science poetry etc. - or manuscripts with a strong thematic through line.

Please note that, as we are not requesting a submissions fee for this process, we will not be able to provide feedback on submissions.

Begin each new poem on a new page. Generally (due to publishing/printing costs) our books are 65-90 pages in length. Please keep this in mind when submitting.

Submissions must be made through the Submittable site and accompanied by:

- Bio 100 words max. 

- Overview of manuscript

- Full contact details: current address, phone, email

Deadline: FRIDAY APRIL 25, 2025