When a Punk Becomes a Spunk — Gareth Morgan

When a Punk Becomes a Spunk — Gareth Morgan


This is vagabonding for the pleasures of metal, for the exuberance of punk love, for endless lyrical charge. This is poetry for everything, forever: fata morgana of Williamstown or is the poet on fire? Gareth Morgan’s book is rudely beautiful, a prolonged sensation melting through psychedelic intelligences + intimacies.
—Lucy Van

Gareth Morgan is a poet from Williamstown and co-director of Sick Leave. His chapbook Dear Eileen was published by Puncher and Wattmann as part of their Slow Loris series.

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The Night’s Live Changes — Tim Wright
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The Night’s Live Changes — Tim Wright

from A$17.00
meditations with passing water — Jake Goetz JG_RPS_OPEN.png

meditations with passing water — Jake Goetz


XIII POEMS — Jordie Albiston (DIGITAL)

Who Loves at All — Natalie Briggs NB_RPS_OPEN.png

Who Loves at All — Natalie Briggs

Vehicular Man  — Mitchell Welch

Vehicular Man — Mitchell Welch
