What’s Poetry Got To Do With It?
Tamryn Bennett is a poet, artist and Director of Red Room Poetry. Her collection phosphene is published by Rabbit Poet Series. A second collection, icaros, is forthcoming with Vagabond Press. She is the editor of Lîneas en tierra / Lines in land, a bilingual collection of Mexican poems published by Australian Poetry. Tamryn is a recipient of the Marten Bequest Travelling Scholarship and Australia Council Professional Development Grant.
Nathan Curnow lives in Ballarat and is a past editor of Going Down Swinging. His books include The Ghost Poetry Project, RADAR, The Right Wrong Notes and The Apocalypse Awards. In 2018 he toured Europe with Geoffrey Williams, performing in Poland and opening the Heidelberg Literary Days Festival in Germany. He has taught Creative Writing at Federation University and is the current judge of the Woorilla Poetry Prize.
AJ Carruthers is a poet, performer, literary critic, theorist, author of AXIS Book 1: Areal, AXIS Book 2 and Stave Sightings: Notational Experiments in North American Long Poems.
Jeanine Leane is an award-winning Wiradjuri writer, poet and academic, currently teaching Creative Writing and Aboriginal Literature at the University of Melbourne. She recently edited a collection of First Nations Australian poetry commissioned by Red Room Poetry and Magabala Books.