Call for submissions: The ARCHITECTURE Issue

RABBIT is currently accepting submissions of nonfiction poetry for Issue 35: The ARCHITECTURE Issue, to be guest edited by Ella Jeffery.

Poetry has always been distinctly architectural: we need only look at the word ‘stanza’ (‘room’ in Italian) and the concept of the poem as a built structure emerges. How might poets grapple with the field of the page and the slippery structures of the poem they seek to build? How can a poem reflect or reconstruct the built world? This issue welcomes nonfiction poetry that explores ‘architecture’ in all its forms, shapes and styles: skyscrapers and labyrinths, hallways and verandahs, real estate television, landscapes and urban design, Bunnings and backyards, Queenslanders and California bungalows, beachfront shacks on million-dollar blocks, tiny houses, caravans and torn-up rentals, dream homes and repossessed houses. This issue seeks: poetry on/as architecture; poetry that explores architecture as a site of power, control, exclusion, as hostile or pollutant, as temporary or (re)moveable, as sacred or protected; poetry on public and/or domestic architecture; poetry on the non-space or non-building. We seek poetry that is brutalist, baroque, art deco, gothic, revivalist, neo-classical; poetry as windbreak, as shelter, as blueprint for that which is not yet built.

Please send up to 3 poems in one document through Rabbit’s Submittable site. Please include in the cover letter of your submission:

• full contact details (postal address, email)

• 50-word max. bio

• a short (50-word max.) response to the following: How is a poem like a building?

SUBMISSIONS CLOSE MIDNIGHT Friday 10th DECEMBER 2021 (Melbourne time)

About the guest editors:

Ella Jeffery is a poet and editor. Her debut collection of poems, Dead Bolt, won the Puncher & Wattmann Prize for a First Book of Poems, the Anne Elder Award and was shortlisted for the Mary Gilmore Award. Her poetry has been published widely in journals and anthologies and she holds a PhD from Queensland University of Technology where she is currently a lecturer in creative writing. 

RABBIT is a journal of nonfiction poetry. If you are concerned that your take on the ‘real world’ is slightly abstract, don’t worry–include a line or two to tell us why you categorise your poem as ‘nonfiction.’ We are very much open to poetry experiments! Please note that we do not accept previously published poems; simultaneous submissions are fine (provided you let us know immediately if your poems have been accepted elsewhere).

RABBIT also publishes book reviews, essays interviews with poets and visual artworks by poets. The editors regularly solicit this material, but are open to expressions of interest. Please see the website at