LAUNCH: Tamryn Bennett's 'phosphene'

1129 Phosphene COVER final

1129 Phosphene COVER final

Rabbit: a journal for nonfiction poetry and Wollongong Art Gallery invite you to the launch of phosphene by Tamryn Bennett (No. 4 in the Rabbit Poets Series) to be launched by Johanna Featherstone, founder of The Red Room Company. Readings by artists and friends 2pm, Saturday 7 May at Wollongong Art Gallery. Refreshments available, all welcome.

Bonny Cassidy writes of phosphene:

“This passage of poems treads lightly: a careless reader could fail to hear the dread of history and myth, which are embedded in the sensitive sands of Bennett’s phrases. In the twist of a moment she flings the sacred into dust, or a bullet into mystic continuum. The poems’ Spanish translation is similarly entwined—an echo reading, or a haunting.”

The phosphene exhibition is a collaborative installation of image, word, performance and sound. Jacqueline Cavallaro, Tamryn Bennett, Tamara Elkins and Memo Batiz explore physical and spiritual connections with nature.For more of Tamryn's work, visit her website.